Techrival is the Technical event of the symposium which is engineered to have the core technical challenges from participants from all niches of engineering. This event is open to all department students.
Mode : Online
Date : February 1, 2023 ( Wednesday )
Time : 04:30 pm
Participation : Solo
Entry Fee : Free
Contact : +91 9952602041
+91 9994542649
In this round, the teams are split into two groups. The first group of computer science stream (CSE and IT dep.), will be given questions based on programming-related theory and for the second group which will consist of electrical departments (EEE, ECE, BME, RAE, etc), questions will be based upon their core papers like circuit theory, devices etc. The participants would find the correct answer from the multiple choices given. They will be given points based on the number of questions answered correctly.
In the second round, the teams will be presented with a single question and multiple answers. The questions will be based on the tech-chronicle. This round comprises questions that are related to the history of technology and current trends. Participants are asked to choose the correct option among the options provided to them.
In the third round, the teams will be presented with a single question and multiple answers. Prior to the beginning of this round, they will be given a certain amount of points which will act as a medium of currency throughout this round. The questions will be displayed on the screen, and each team may wager a certain amount of their points on the option of their choice. If the option chosen is wrong then they lose their betted points, which will be split between the teams who chose the correct option. Finally, the team with the maximum points is declared the winner.